Each volume in the Energy Library contains hundreds of pages of valuable information. Click on the volume's title image to begin viewing.  A brief description of each volume appears below.


About Touchstone Energy Group

Touchstone Energy Cooperatives brand represents a nationwide alliance made of more than 700 local, consumer-owned electric cooperatives in 46 states. Touchstone Energy co-ops collectively deliver power and energy solutions to more than 40 million members every day. Electric cooperatives distribute power for 56 percent of the U.S. land mass over 2.4 million miles of power lines.


National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn.  

Nebraska Rural Electric Assn.

National Rural Utilities Services

National Rural Telephone Cooperative

Western Area Power Administration

Touchstone Energy

National Rural Utilities Finance Cooperative  

Tri-State Generation & Transmission

Basin Electric Power Cooperative

U.S. Department of Energy

Nebraska Energy Office

State of Nebraska Website